Scientific Advisory Board

The Euro-DyMA SAB is composed of 8 European undisputable experts in the domain of Myotonic Dystrophies, in charge of validating information, and advise Euro-DyMA board in scientific matter.

Pr Baziel van Engelen


Chairman of the SAB

Radboud University Medical Center

Nijmegen (The Netherlands)

Pr. Giovanni Meola


President of the Fundazione Per le Malatie Myotoniche (FMM) association

University of Milan (Italy)

Pr. Benedikt Schoser



Munchen (Germany)

Pr. Darren Monckton

Professor of Human Genetics

University of Glasgow (U.K.)

Dr. Guillaume Bassez


Institute of Myology

Paris (France)

Dr. Anne-Berit Ekström

Child neurologist

Regional Pediatric, Rehabilitation Center

Queen Silvia Children´s Hospital

Gothenburg (Sweden)

Dr. Denis Furling

CNRS Research Director

Institute of Myology Paris (France)

Dr. George K. Papadimas

Consultant Neurologist

1st Department of Neurology

University of Athens

Laboratory of Muscle Diseases (Greece)

Dr. Stojan Peric MD

Neurologist, Assistant Professor

Faculty of Medicine, Neuromuscular Centre

University of Belgrade (Serbia)

Hilde Braackman

Pediatric Neurologist

Amalia Children’s Hospital, Radboud University Medical Centre

Nijmegen (The Netherlands)